
Verse of the Day
About Sabrina
My Photos
My Family
My Church
"My Sisters"
My Officemates


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Welcome to my site!  Thanks to one of my favorites sites, Bible Gateway, you'll get to see a different passage each day.  Hopefully it inspires you, as it inspires me.  Click on the "Verse of the Day" to go to the page which will show you more helpful links on the Word of God.
Most of the pages on the left column will take you to the photo albums that I've created.  To view my written creations, there's BecBlog <>.  It's a web journal that updates you about most everything that hits me.
So, get a move on, click on every link in my site, post a comment, sign my guestbook or email me if the space is not enough!  I'd love to hear from you.

Site Updates!
Latest blog is dated September 5th.

I just love music...  It gives a natural high.  Here's a cool link where you can search the Lycos database of available MP3 sound files!

Lycos MP3 Search

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